Metal Top Solid
Defeat the powerful technology from other era and save the world
How to play
Move with WASD or ARROW KEYS
Look around with MOUSE
Jump with SPACE
Recharge your speed stepping on charging platforms
The "P" item will give you satellites that will fire against enemy
- 3 fierce bosses with various behaviours and over 20 different attacks
- 3 Different arenas to combat with different conditions like sandstorm
- 3 difficulties to find your most pleasant experience
- Jump shoot and chainsaw against your enemy
- Collect up to 6 satellites that will shoot boss constantly
- Customize the colors of your hero anyway you wish with custom editor
- Save your best time for each boss and see who is the best
NOTE: Linux version is compiled with other version of unity then it may not work the same, hopefuly it works the same but it may vary in some aspect
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Linux and Mac versions available for download!!17 days ago
- Boss Rush Jam is almost over, check our game and vote if you like!!28 days ago
- Customization and difficulty settings added!28 days ago
- Updated with PowerUP now!!29 days ago
- Metal Top Solid updated!!30 days ago
- Metal Top Solid is released!32 days ago
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I like the cincept of speed as health and movements speed, really good use of theme
Thanks you very much!!! We are happy you like, we will be expanding this in the incoming times
Testing Windows version on Linux via Wine
The game shows no text at all in menus and ingame.
I tried to randomly click on buttons and it started a boss, where I could properly move, jump and shoot, however I did continuously lose HP even when nothing seemed to hit me (it was a bit hard to verify when camera was behind spin top as it would hide enemy bullets, but even moving it I didn’t see the enemy’s green bullets - or I didn’t know how to dodge them). Maybe with text I’ll be able to read more instructions and understand how to play.
In case it’s a Wine thing, I’ll try again later on Windows 11.
Hi, thanks a lot for your interest in our game, we really have no words to thank you for your appreciation and will to try our game, for this reason we build a Linux version hoping it works fine for you, its built in a different unity version but hopefully its almost the same as the original version posted here, please tell us if it works for you or if there is any issue. Again thanks a lot for your support!!
The game was amazing. The mechanics where easy to understand and learn I liked the first boss but the 2nd one was the best. I didnt have time for the 3rd one but i will be sure to return and beat that one as well. Overall amazing game.
Thanks a lot for your kind comments!! We are glad you like the game, we will be expanding this in the near future, so stay tuned!
ur game is a virus?
I tested with Kaspersky antivirus and its safe, as said it may be one of these false alerts from protection systems, also I think itchio verifies this in case anyone uploads something malicious, bu tI respect you prefer to not try, the web version works nicely too
Im sorry about this, I checked here with Kaspersky antivirus and it was fine, it may be one of these false alerts, but again Im sorry you had this issue there.
Loved the idea and gameplay. A few mechanisms felt like they weren't fit for this game, although they might have been fun to play but these reduced a lot of potential aspects. Such mechanisms are:-
1. Recharging Stations:
Alternative: A parry system could be implemented, as soon as player parries an attack to gains some momentum.
2. Player firing projectiles:
Alternative: Simple projectiles felt out of place for a spinning top rather kinetic attacks may turn out pretty well.
Overall it was a fun experience keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot for your kind comments and suggestions, really, its much appreciated, we will be expanding the game in the near future, so stay tuned for updates!
Hello Asdronin and Nandalux, think you guys have made a wonderful game!
I appreciate the lore during the intro segment, adds a bit more life into the world. The music complements the game very well, I enjoyed the tracks.
I managed to get past the bosses in difficult mode, definitely needed some time to get used to the controls and mechanics.
I liked bosses 1 and 2 quite a lot, but I do have reservations on boss 3.
Boss 1 was a unique and decent boss to get the player accustomed to how the game works but also easy enough to wean them in. I loved the fact you had numerous ways in which to inflict damage such as melee, standard ranged as well as auto fire using the power up. I did, however, notice that the auto fire seemed to inflict damage at a snail's pace after the first 1/3 or so of Lord Robo Cat's hp was diminished (could not genuinely tell for a while if I was doing damage at all). Appreciate stacking power ups by the way.
Boss 2 was the best, more straightforward but the combat was more engaging and I had the most fun there. He had good attack patterns and you were forced to engage with them more, but, he was also probably the easiest boss because some of his attacks could be trivialized I.e. short range eye laser is useless if you go far away and heal yourself at a spinning charging station while pelting him back. Additionally, you may want to have a punish for the mentioned strategy as the Moai Man's mouth pellet attacks are too easy to dodge and only delay rather than pose a threat.
Boss 3 is where the difficulty spikes and reaches its zenith. I am a fan of the challenge for the most part, however, I recognize that there are some aspects of the boss battle that are extremely challenging to a point that I could not comprehend how to not take damage from them. Starting with the good, I believe that all the attacks stand alone are fine, love the roll attack (did not expect it at all the first time). My issue lies with the lasers, they are extremely punishing as they chunk out your hp in a heartbeat and also are hard to dodge (have not found a way to consistently dodge them, maybe I am missing something). The problem lies in the fact that it can occur twice in a row, and if there does not exist a way to dodge the lasers that does not involve running actively away from the boss and closer to the playable edge; once the second salvo arrives, the player could just flat out die depending on their positioning (again I may be missing the point on how to dodge it, if so please let me know). My other gripe is the sandstorm effect, I think the idea is cool but in practice is flawed as sometimes you genuinely may not be able to tell what attack is going on at a given point in time (such as the green projectiles). Do like the amenities of the sandstorm effect decreasing with distance though, I think that is neat as you have to juggle that aspect with having enough room to dodge the white eye beam.
Other than that, great polygon visuals and smooth as hell animations. Intuitive UI and I cant wait to see what you do next with the game.
Hey SolidSoft!!!
I'm delighted with your comment. It’s seriously amazing! 🤩
You actually conquered all three bosses on difficult mode?! (gasp*)😱 That’s totally insane! Especially with their massive HP. Even we, the devs, haven’t fully mastered the 3 one yet, lol. That Golem is still a mystery to us.
Boss 1: So happy you enjoyed the combat and made full use of your abilities! We definitely need to tweak the damage balance. The Lord Robo Cat needs to accept his losses with grace. Thanks for pointing that out!
Boss 2: Haha, he may have that intimidating look, but sounds like he’s been going too easy on players. I didnt know this 😆 Thanks for sharing your tactics too. We’ll make sure to toughen him up a bit more!
Boss 3: Yeah… the Golem is just not playing fair, right? We’ll work on giving you guys more space and way to dodge. Being in this Rush to meet the dealine we couldnt polish him more. Everyone wanted that sandstorm in the team haha, I'm so sorry it made things even difficult with the Golem. We’ll find a way to mix this visual effect at the right time and without blocking visibility too much, or at least make the most fair possible for the player. It's not easy to have sand in the eyes.
Your feedback means the world to us. The fact that you broke down each boss and even shared your strategies with us. That’s a whole other level of dedication, and we’re beyond grateful. Thanks to your feedback, we can make our game better for you guys!
I’ve gotta check out your games too!
You make them too?
You seriously made our day!
SolidSoft. 🙌💖
Thanks a lot for your very detailed review of the game, we take note of the points you noted and we will keep updating the game as time progresses, really we much appreciate your suggestions and all the tips and key points, we hope to keep bringing you something you enjoy in the near future, stay tuned for updates!
Also please let me tell you that your time to beat each boss is better than mine, well done!!!
Glad to know I could be of assistance! I showed the game to some of my friends and they enjoyed it too, however, they also had similar opinions on the final boss.
I also would like to point out that the music volume bar does not actually work and it can be quite overbearing on the ears. There are also some minor spelling mistakes in the intro and the pause menu, so you can touch those up.
Keep up the great work.
By the way, waterfall has a hit box for whatever reason.
The Michelin Man tornado attack hitbox feels too wide given its visuals.
I loved the map style and the bosses 🗿My only critic is that the mouse was not locked in.
Hi Devidration!!!
Thanks so much for coming here and playing our game. You made our day. Mouse issue will be solved and locked in soon. Thanks for pointing this out to us.
🗿 this guy is my fav too.
Thanks for your kind comments, mouse should be locked, but indeed i think we need to re-lock at times maybe, we will fix this, thanks fopr pointing this out, stay tuned for updates!!
I dont quite get the point of being a spinning top when the ranged attacks seem to be more effective most of the time (but I only got boss 1 to 75% hp so I am probably not a good judge of gameplay)
not directly related to the game, but I want to see a mecha combat game done by your team in a similar style. lol
Hi chooon !!!
Thanks so much for coming here and playing our game and for pointing out what you liked, you made our day. Thanks for your feedback, I personally agree with you, I also want to fight face to face to the bosses. Ive written down your idea here so we can make this possible after jam, and of course a mecha combat game got me thinking here haha. I want to see this too 😎
Thanks a lot for your comments and we are happy that you like the game, I know that we still need to balance difficulty more, we will fix this soon. Stay tuned for updates!!
Also haha yes, its good to comment about mecha games, what kind of mecha combat game you would like to see? we will put this in our road map for the near future, something like Robot Jox movies?
Robot Jox or one of those old school mecha vs monster game with destructible buildings
Yes awesome, Im eager to make one game in that style as well!!
VERY challenging, easy to learn, hard to master. 9/10.
Hi DaBluepikmin!!!
I love your comment haha, I share your opinion, Even for me it's hard to master. Thanks so much for your high note and for coming here.
You made our day.
Thanks a lot for your comment, yes, that is our intention to make it like this, always a challenge that remains fun to play, stay tuned for updates!!
The game is great, easy to figure out how to play it, and I loved the intro as well. I can't wait to see how it turns out when you complete it. looking forward to it. ;)
Hi OffByte Games!!!
I'm so happy you came here and enjoyed our game and even left a comment. It makes our day. And we can't wait to release a better game for you to play and have even more fun. Really thanks.
Thanks a lot for your comments, also yes thats how we expected the game to be seen by the player, indeed we want to expand and make it a complete game, stay tuned for updates!!
This game is awesome! Works perfect with theme Spin considering I am like a dreidel or a bay-blade. The music was cool and boss one was unique and cool!
Hi AmoreSoftware!!!
I'm so happy you came here and enjoyed our game.
You made our day.
First time i hear about dreidel!
Thanks a lot for your comments, yes, we tried our best to fit in the theme and make something fun and cool for the player, stay tuned for updates!
Interesting game with a great fun amount of bullet hell, I did have some trouble figuring out how to play it well. A bit more player game play support in you project would be my advice. maybe a small tutorial
Hi Crowsfield!!!
Thanks for playing our game. It makes our day that you had fun and came here. We have in menu "HELP" so you can read for support, but maybe we didnt explain well enough the instructions, our bad, but we're gonna revise this. Thanks for your feedback! 😎
Thanks a lot for your comments, we are happy to hear you had fun, we will add some tutorial level yes, thanks for suggestions, stay tuned for updates!!